
PositionResolver<TKey,TSortKey> Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by PositionResolver<TKey,TSortKey>.

Public Properties
Public PropertyHasUnregisterdPositionsGets a value indicating whether this instance has unregisterd positions.  
Public PropertyPositionsGets the list of the positions this instance is working with.  
Public PropertyPositionSizeGets the number of the items in a position.  
Public PropertyRootPositionInfoGets the root PositionItemInfo<TKey,TSortKey> item.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCompleteRegisterPositionsRegisters all position items found in Positions collection.  
Public MethodGetChildren  
Public MethodGetHostPositionItemInfo  
Public MethodGetPositionIndexGets the index of the specified position.  
Public MethodGetPositionIndexAsyncGets the index of the specified position.  
Public MethodIsMemberExpandedDetermines whether the specified position item has children items in the context of Positions. collection.  
Public MethodResolveParentPositionItemResolves the parent member of specified position item.  
Protected Methods
Public Events
Public EventGetPositionIndexCompletedOccurs when asynchronous operation of getting index of position is completed.  
See Also